The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125979   Message #2796631
Posted By: Bobert
26-Dec-09 - 08:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
You'll have to wait until Rush tells Dougie what to say, Carol... Not that whatever Rush puts out will have anything to do with reality but that seems to be the way it is...

The "they will increase your taxes" mantra that the Repubs have used going back decades is threadbare and dated but Rush seems to be able to spice it up... The P-Vine was talkin' to here middle son last night... He lives in Georgia now but grew up in Charlotte and has been a Rush-ite going back forever... He says that the Dems want to put everyone in jail for not buying health insurance... See??? That's plays real well with people who tend to be more emotional and less enlightened... That would be this son, in particular...

But back to the question... Yeah, Dougie, maybe you'd like to elaborate on whoes taxes are going to be increased and by how much...

(BTW, given that tannin' booths are *known* to cause skin cancer I have no problem putting a surcharge on tannin' booths becuase we're going to end up paying for the treatment for skin cancers down the road...)

Personally, I wouldn't mind seein' surcharges on Big Macs, Deep fried foods and sugar products, as well... These supposed foods are disease carriers and we'll end up paying for treatin' folks with diabetes, heart desease, etc down the road as well...

(But, Boberdz... Wouldn't that be a tax, as well???)

Yeah, it would and long overdue, I might add...

(But, boberdz... Wouldn't taxing bad foods be targeting the South and Midwest...)

Well, yes indeed it would... That where diabetes and heart desease is most prevailent... Hey, ain't no one holding a gun to these folks making them eat foods that are bad for them...

(But, Boberdz... They don't know any better...)

Okay, that might be the case... I don't care... Might of fact, put another $1.00 a pack tax on cigarettes while yer at it....
