The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #279666
Posted By: DougR
17-Aug-00 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
Susan: Your statement that "the Republicans are concerned only with protecting the wealthy and the Democrats concerned for everybody else" proves only one thing: that the Democratic spinmiesters are more successful than the Republicans at disseminating mis-information.

The major pieces of legislation that have been signed into law and have benefited Americans of all income levels during the past four years, could not have happened without the support of the Republican majority in the congress.

Who is trying to get the marriage tax penalty repealed? The Republicans! Who opposes it? The Democrats!

Surely you don't believe that all married folks are rich.

Who originated the recent legislation that allows millions of Americans over age 65 who wish to continue to work (or must), to keep all they earn without having to lose part of their social security earnings as a penalty for earning too much? The Republicans!

Which party wants to reduce taxes so that people can keep more of what they earn? The Republicans! Who opposes tax cuts? The Democrats. The Democratic spinmiesters would have you believe that tax cuts only benefit the rich. Think about that. Everybody pays taxes, an across the board tax cut can only result in helping everybody!

Only a few examples that show that Republicans are not concerned with just protecting or helping the "rich."
