The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2796965
Posted By: Lox
26-Dec-09 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"I am addressing the health issues associated with homosexual practice, and the dangers of promoting homosexuality as a safe and healthy lifestyle.Marriage is to be redefined to accomodate homosexuality."

Safe sex = healthy

Unsafe sex = unhealthy

Risks of unsafe sex = AIDS/HIV, HPV, Ghonnorhea, Syphillis, Chlamydia.

Those at the greates risk from AIDS are Gay men.

Those at the greatest risk from the rest are adolescent girls and young women.

HIV can become AIDS and kill you.

HPV can cause cervical cancer and kill you.

Neither can currently be cured but remain in your system till you die.

Ake's solution = to teach that homosexuality is not healthy.

The issue he deliberately distorts to excuse his homophobia is that of sexual health.

He deliberately ignores STI's in young women and AIDS in Africa.

Inconvenient evidence is ignored.

The same mantra is peddled again and again.

Ake    Some people are Gay .... Get over it!