The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2797584
Posted By: Don Firth
27-Dec-09 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
I don't think so, 999. I'm still my sweet, serene self.

I do believe sincerely in civil rights for everyone, and when someone wants to limit the civil rights of a minority group, I see nothing wrong with opposing that attempted limitation strenuously. There are quite a number of well-known historical figures who felt the same way. Most of them were villified at the time, but history has recorded them as "the good guys."

Incidentally, those who single out specific groups and attempt to either oppress them or limit their civil rights (same thing, really) are call "bigots." Dictionary definition. I don't define anyone as a bigot. They define themselves by what the do and say.

Now, if you go back through the threads, both this one and the Prop. 8 thread, I think you'll discover that I most certainly didn't start the name-calling, and I have never impugned the intelligence of someone with whom I did not agree. GfS and Ake do that on a regular basis, calling me and others "stupid" and "knee-jerkers" and accusing us of being "liberal fascists."

So I'd suggest that you do a little research before you start popping off at someone.

Now—do you actually have anything of substance to add to the discussion, or is joining in the personal abuse your reason for being here?

Don Firth