The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4972   Message #27979
Posted By: steve t
11-May-98 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Judy's neat trick - opening new windows
Subject: RE: Judy's neat trick - opening new windows
Joe is right, of chorus. But you don't need to remember control-N for MSIE 4 to open a thread to a new window -- as with netscape, just right click and choose the correct menu item (open to new window, same words as Netscape.)

For those fans of little advantages of both MSIE and Netscape, there are programs out there designed specifically to keep your bookmarks the same in both programs. One is found at the No nags site (great site for free, or un-nagged shareware, You can look for yourself at no nags web tools, (and search for example for "webmarks") or you can just download directly from the webmarks site: It's an example of yet another utility that I mean to get around to installing sometime on my machine.