The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125998   Message #2798022
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Dec-09 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: the UK folk revival in 2010
Subject: RE: the UK folk revival in 2010
Not the same Jim Carroll - there was a rock journalist here in Ireland who died recently - that wasn't me either! Try the Living Tradition' web-site - that's me in the hat!
We really have been over much of this hundreds of times before.
Hello to you too.
A question, and please treat it as rhetorical; I spent enough times in jazz clubs to know the answer.
If I walked into one of your jazz clubs with a clarinet and said "I heard this wonderful number called "The World is Wating For The Sunrise, last week; it really knocked me out, so I went and bought this. I haven't got it quite right yet but a couple of spots in front of your audience should soon put that right - what do you think?" what do you think the response would be?
Is our music so inferior that it doesn't need a basic standard before it is presented before an audience?
MacColl once said that he felt that many of teh clubs were falling into the hands of people who neither liked nor usdersood folk music. I didn't believe him - how wrong can you get!
"Near enough for folk song," - to quote the late Alex Campbell, is for me, a sign of deep contempt for the music we profess to love.
Jim Carroll