The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125496   Message #2798206
Posted By: Art Thieme
29-Dec-09 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: Congrats! Kendall,Jacqui &Dan Grammy nominations!!
Subject: RE: Congrats! Kendall,Jacqui &Dan Grammy nominations!!
Good people,
I had no idea our local paper, the News Tribune, was going to create that You Tube composite. Old friend, Ron Miles, just e-mailed me with a link to it even before I noticed it in this thread. If it means some extra cash for the Phillips family that would just be stupendous!!

Jeff Dankert wrote the story after we talked on the phone. He's a fine reporter over at the paper, and he did an earlier very nice piece on the Smithsonian requisitioning the original slides from which the "Art's Place" folk scene photo site was created for me by Bruce Kallick (BKlick here at Mudcat.)

Amazing, I'm glad I looked in on this Forum tonight. Max and all of you have made it possible for me to keep a presence in our folk music world from afar now that playing music is not there for me.

Thanks to all of you...

Art Thieme