The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125998   Message #2798285
Posted By: MikeL2
29-Dec-09 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: the UK folk revival in 2010
Subject: RE: the UK folk revival in 2010
hi jim

< A question, and please treat it as rhetorical; I spent enough times in jazz clubs to know the answer.
If I walked into one of your jazz clubs with a clarinet and said "I heard this wonderful number called "The World is Wating For The Sunrise, last week; it really knocked me out, so I went and bought this. I haven't got it quite right yet but a couple of spots in front of your audience should soon put that right - what do you think?" what do you think the response would be? >

Jim it has actually happened more than once - not with that song or instrument.

You have to try to ascertain what level the requestor is at - some very much underplay their abilities and others the opposite.

However in the situation you describe my answer would be to kindly point the person towards providing me with some sample of his/her prowess after the gig with a view to coming back at a later date.

I would also try to get one or two guys from the club to sound him/her out and to try to get him to join in a practice session.

But you can't win them all - I had a guy send me all kinds of blurb and commendations about him being the " next Bob Dillon"...etc etc.

he travelled many miles to come to my club ( uninvited and unannounced )the night before and asked could we put him up for the night. We did - we were used this then.....not now !!!

He talked the talk so I put him on. I had to jerk him off after two songs.....nicely of course.

So you can't always tell.

I do get your point Jim and I agree with much of what you say and I applaud your fantastic work that you do in keeping something that is important to you ( and to music ) alive and well.

Kind Regards
