The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #279830
Posted By: DougR
17-Aug-00 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
Susan: I think it is wonderful that you pay your taxes with a smile. I have no complaint about paying a reasonable tax on my income either. I support 100% the payment of taxes to support the federal government to do the job it was intended to do.

However, the "Marriage" and "Death" taxes are, in my opinion, punitive and unfair.

It is commendable that you do not mind paying the death tax. I personally do not believe that you should have to pay it, however.

I believe if a parent (or parents) are fortunate enough to acquire an estate valued at more than $675,000 (U.S.), they should be allowed to pass that estate on to their heirs without the government taking a slice of it.

As an heir, someone as public spirited as yourself, could voluntarily share their newly acquired wealth with those less fortunate than themselves if they wish.

However, without the tax, the money could be directed to the charity of your choice, not to some line item of expense in the federal budget.

There is no assurance that tax money raised through the "death" tax will be used for philanthropic purposes anyway.

It could be used to buy a tank. Or a piece of artillery!

I incidentally, have no reason to believe I will ever be subject to the "death" tax.

On teachers:I have great admiration for school teachers. My wife was a school teacher, and one of my daughters teaches school. I believe that my wife approached her vocation exactily as you do yours, with almost a missionary zeal. I believe that my daughter, who still teaches, does the same.

Teachers are maligned, underappreciated, and are involved in one of the most important vocations that exists. I'm all for them. DougR