The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #279874
Posted By: Greg F.
17-Aug-00 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
Hey, DougR- I see you practice the time-honored Republican virtue terminological inexactitude by mangling Kennedy's quote to make your very dubious point. I should think that the difference between being asked to do something for your 'country' rather than for your 'government' would be obvious, especially to a self-proclaimed patriot and champion of the common man such as yourself. And by all means, do yourself, and us, a favor and take on that historical research you mention above prior to sounding off- I think it might be instructive for you to discover that Kendall is indeed correct- might make your posts a trifle less condescending to those that don't share your Republican point of view.

Best, Greg