The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #939   Message #2799
Posted By: Coralena
04-Mar-97 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swing and swing on the garden gate...
Subject: Swing and swing on the garden gate...
Still looking for the lyrics to a couple of songs my Grandmamma sang.

#1. Rain when you going to rain again rain
Rain the rivers deep again, shower your blessings on me
The sheep are in the meadow, the cows are in the corn
They know something is wrong.
Old mother earth can never give birth
When you're away so long.

#2. I like high up in the trees to climb
And eat sugar cookies 6 or 8 at a time.
Swing and swing on the garden gate
And when there's company we sit up late.

Thank you for any help you can give. Also, I would like to say how very much I love this site. Most people my age don't know or appreciate music that was before their time and when I check in here and see such songs as "My Darling Nellie Gray", that my Daddy used to sing, it touches my heart. I was a late surprise and my parents being of an older generation I was blessed with hearing this music as a child. Thank you!