The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #279904
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
17-Aug-00 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
Hi Doug! We've been through this already, you and I. I would like to point out the difference between "Your government", and "Your Country".

Your government is a collection of elected officials, generally professional politicians, who are paid to serve their constituents. The average elected official 'wins' with roughly 12% of the voting population, because of the low voter turnout these days. The constituants usually boil down to the "most economically influential" PAC groups...

Your Country, however, includes ALL the people old and young, And it implies land use factors also. For the future generations, Replace the word 'Country' for the word 'world'. National boundaries are meaningless to the corporations (except as a leverage for more profit...), and any nationalistic ferver at this point will probably benefit them the most.

vote nader