The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49672   Message #2799078
Posted By: MGM·Lion
30-Dec-09 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Ring around the Rosy / Rosey
Subject: RE: Origins: Ring around the Rosy / Rosey
Further to my last post: Peter Opie went on to say that he didn't think children would ever have wanted to play games about dying of the plague — but they both looked a bit nonplussed, and simply replied "Good question", when I asked them: what, then, of the 'Going to the gas-chambers' game which they describe children in Auschwitz as having played, in their 'Children's Games in Street and Playground'. For some reason that I can't quite now recall I omitted this bit of our dialogue [which naturally I taped thruout with their permission] from the Folk Review feature as it eventually appeared (July 1974), so this is the first time I have published it. I still have the tape - somewhere...