The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #279988
Posted By: DougR
17-Aug-00 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
Kendall: I just watched the Vice President's speech. I agree with you that there is actually no surplus at the present time, though both parties have announced plans as to how it will be spent.

After listening to the VP's speech tonight, which I thought was the best delivery he has ever made, I couldn't blame anyone for voting for him. After all, he offered everybody a free lunch! Everbody! Free! Wow!

If, however he is elected (and can there be any doubt?), there certainly will never be a surplus! If he is successfull in giving everybody everything he promised, we will back deeply in debt!

Thomas the Rhymer: I just don't know what to say. But I'll go along with your suggestion: Vote for Nader!

Oh, and Kendall, I wouldn't say anything intentionally to offend you. I think you know that. I'm just sorry you went to the wrong college in your 40s. You obviously went to one that taught weird history, and the Republicans lost a good conservative! (kidding of course).

Luther: that probably wouldn't count because it happened a long time ago, and critics would probably charge that Lincoln did it just to please big business.

Uh oh. We are lost. The gentleman just delivered the closing prayer and asked God to be with Gore and Liberman, and didn't mention Bush and Cheany. So, I guess that's it. The end. kaput. I'll go fishing election day. No need to show up.

Ooops! Diane Fienstein just asked God to bless the Democratic party and didn't mention the Republican Party, or the Green party, or the Independent Party or any other party no doubt about it. Gore is going to win.

Shucks shoot. I was wrong again. I also was wrong in 1941. I thought they were going to attack Guam.
