The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125979   Message #2799943
Posted By: Bobert
31-Dec-09 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
There are alot of different levels of lies... Some are even honorable... Everyone used to say how nice my Aunt Olive looked at family occasions... Hey, this lady, bless her heart, was so ugly that she'd make a frieght train jump tracks and take a dirt road... Now that was ugly...

So let's keep things in perspective here...

Campaigning is all about painting pictures of the way the candidate sees the world in order to give the voters some idea of what they are getting... Some candidates end up purdy close to their campaign rhetoric and other, ahhhhh, no so...

As much as I am a somewhat disappointed progressive with Obama I have to admit that, for the most part, folks knew what they were getting...

But take George W... Much different story:

1. I'm going to bring a new tone to Washington...

2. I'm going to be a uniter, not a divider...

3. Saddam Hussein is trying to purchase uranium for Niger...

4. Saddam Hussain is buildiong WMD so that he can attack America...

These kinds of lies, Dougie, get special attention not only because of the tjhe pathalogical naturte but of the consequences of telling them:

1. The most polorized the nation has been in the last 60 years

2. Two wars and upwardas of a million people dead

Ya' see, Dougie... This is why when you folks who were so supportive of George W - and you were - go around trying to but Obama's sins in the same category as Bush's you arer going to get some major pushback... Yeah, the right would love to bring Obama doen to Bush's level and if they have a million years they might be able to pull it off but, geese louise, right now you can't believe how friggin' moronish ya'll sound...
