The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27241 Message #2801239
Posted By: GUEST,fretfly
02-Jan-10 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Flight 641 - songs by Lawrence Hammond
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Flight 641 (Lawrence Hammond)
Well...this was a pretty interesting find that answers some questions I have had about this guy and whatever happened to him. The catalogue of his songs that are out there is pretty slender, but what strikes me about them now and what struck me at the time I first heard him in '76 is how visual the songs were. When he sang these I had the movie running in my head. Some of the posts above give some explanation of how it was that someone who could evoke such images could just disappear from the music world apparently so completely. It is great to know that other songs might someday be released. I wonder about that one I heard him sing up in Sonoma, CA about the kid who sees his dad make an epic ride in the rodeo. I think that mini-novel is the one Ms Laughton mentioned above. When I sit through a reading of cowboy poetry I always wish folks could hear this one