The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126102   Message #2801652
Posted By: pdq
02-Jan-10 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: attempt mass murder Christmas
Just for the record, there have been 6 deaths attributed to anti-abortion activists the US and Canada since 1977.

Three abortion doctors, two receptionists and one security guard.

A seventh man, a doctor, was shot to death in a burglery in Mobile, Alabama. His death is attributed to activists by some, but since burglery is not connected to other abortion clinic attacks, it is a matter of speculation.

Now, as far as Islamic radicals, last week they blew up a volleyball tournament in Pakistan: 75 innocent people killed.

In Iraq they bombed a market: 25 dead.

Today they launched rockets at the president of Pakistan. No one killed, but they tried.

There is no eqivalence here. Two of the US abortion killers were certified mental patients.

Also, there is no part of Christian scripture that calls for the murder of people who follow other religions. Christians are taught to respect others. Not so with Islam.