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Thread #125979   Message #2801988
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jan-10 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Subject: RE: BS: Obama caught in blatant lying
Well, Obama really hasn't had to make too many policy decisions, LH... Yeah, he coulda been stronger on health care and lost what little gains the US may make... Maybe he should have... I mean, who woulda blamed him... I mean, if Bill Clinton couldn't get anywhere why would we expect Obama to???

He could have also said "no" at a time when it looked as if the financail system was going to collapse and, again, maybe he should have... Hard to say???

And yeah, he could have stood up against the military industrialists and the right wing noise machine on Afganistan and in doing so would have surely lost any chance of health care reform...

But the guy has been in a political meatgrinder and no matter what he does it ain't gonna make too many folks happy on any side of the issues...

Persoanlly, I would have told the generals to stuff it on Afganistan but I'm not president...

Yer right, being president is "another story"...
