The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24434   Message #280441
Posted By: GUEST,lamarca
18-Aug-00 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Today's great quote
Subject: RE: BS: Today's great quote
Well, BillD, looks like YOU missed Emmylou's point:

Emmylou: "I knew that I couldn't go back to being a folksinger. I had become, you know, completely entranced with the drummer. Before that, as a folksinger, I thought the drummer was the Antichrist."

BillD:"see...even EmmyLou missed the point..*grin*....folksingers didn't HAVE drummers...whatever she WAS it was not a folksinger"

To belabor the obvious, my reading of Emmylou's quote was that she felt that once she started working with a full band, including a drum kit, she wasn't doing what she thought of as folk music anymore - when she thought of herself as a folksinger, she thought drummers were awful, too.

But then, BillD and I have had this argument many times - I just wish he'd listen to what's really being said instead of arguing against what he wished was said...It's always easier to score points against an opponent's argument if you make up his/her statements yourself; just look at the selective memories of the Democrats and Republicans!

Oh, well, getting riled up is one reason why I haven't been here in a couple months. Guess I'd better quit...