The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125793   Message #2805016
Posted By: GUEST
06-Jan-10 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: Origins: It's been a long time darling
Subject: RE: Origins: It's been a long time darling
Hello there Guest, Old Timer,

Thank you very much for the above information on this song.

I am the Rita in question who has been searching everywhere for the origin of the song. I used to put a lot of songs into a notebook over the years and the author/singer but in this case I had written in the words but had no author/singer and had not looked at this songbook for many years until quite recently. I had all the notes of the song in and remembered the air so I must have heard it somewhere, perhaps at a live session or from some old friends' records going back to the 1980's when I started getting involved in music.

I have Googled information on the said George Kaye and Smokey Mountain Ramblers days etc. etc. and found that there was another George Kaye, an American musician/songwriter from Boston I think.

Anyways I think the George Kaye you mention is the Irish one.

Ido not have any records of Smokey Mountain Ramblers so for the life of me I wish I could remember why I put it in my songbook without the singer's name. My old friends thought that perhaps the Lee Valley had recorded it at some stage. I tried to Google that but did not find out all the songs they recorded.

I certainly thought it was of Carter Family origins and as I am a big fan of the Carter I rooted through my Carter Family records and cd's to no avail.

So now you have given me the best information on this and thank you once again.

Hope your sessions in Tullamore are going well.

