The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125951   Message #2805162
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Jan-10 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Taking on the Big Boys? - classic big long ballads
Subject: RE: Taking on the Big Boys? - classic big long ballads
"Sigh! In my opinion they have all appeared in print in their earliest form"
What do you base this opinion on?
"Why can't you live with my version?"
Because it isn't logical - it nowhere concides what happened elsewhere in these islands, nor beyond. Why should Irish, Scots, Albanian, French, Russian.... produce their own oral litrature and not the English - or are you also questioning their ability or inclination to do so.
"I have nowhere postulated a 'school of composers'.
Your argument implies such a school. The similarities of folk songs fully entitles them to a separate identity and if this is the case the composers must be accepted as a 'school' as distinctive as 'impressionists', 'cubists' or any other artistic group.
Sigh indeed - Steve, with respect, you come at the end of a long line of people who, for one reason or another, have set out to prove that the folk, through inability, disinclination, whatever, did not produce their own folk songs. I never bought what they were selling, nor do I buy your arguments, unless they come with more to back them up than you have produced so far.
Jim Carroll