The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126240   Message #2805186
Posted By: Lox
06-Jan-10 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett

I think it is important to make a distinction in this case between two independant but significant factors.

1. The protest that has been proposed, on paper, represents legitimate viewpoints that are supportable.

With that in mind, there is no reason why anyone should have a problem with the March that Chaudhary is trying to organiize.

2. However, There are some pretty objectionable characters in politics who have the intelligence and talent for spin to justify their actions using apparently reasonable arguments.

In Britain, Nick Griffin and his cronies, including the BNP trolls (troll) who inhabit tha mudcat sewers, have a talent for pretending to have a caring rational motive for their thinking.

In the case of Chaudary, while I see that his protest is on paper a legitimate one, I believe he and his followers to be trolls of a different sort.

Rather than lying in wait under virtual bridges for unsuspecting internet forum users to pass by before provoing them, Chaudary goes to sensitive places with a deliberate aim of causing 'controversy'.

His protest will not have the result he claims to seek, but will instead turn British nationals against him.

The families of the dead will not listen to a man who 'appears' to be mocking their dead sons.

A cleverer campaigner would have thought of a better strategy ... unless his intent was to deliberately provoke and hurt.

I may be wrong, but that is my feeling.