The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #280526
Posted By: GUEST,Luther
18-Aug-00 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
ah, ok, my first glimmer of what the fuss is about concerning nameless guests.

DougR, you and I are very, very far apart in our political sympathies, but I also have to say that I respect, very much, the way you've pursued this discussion in good faith. nuff said, eh?

If you're still curious about the relationship between labor and the Democratic Party, you might want to read more about the Wilson administration, which gave us, among other things, the Espionage Act, the Palmer raids, the ascendance of J. Edgar Hoover, and the imprisonment of Eugene Debs. It's a pretty interesting story, and the aftermath is still with us.