The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126240   Message #2806361
Posted By: MGM·Lion
08-Jan-10 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
==I disagree with even the idea that it would be possible for extremist Muslims to be able to spread global Islamisization through acts of terror. Although I have asked, you have yet to explain to me how this could possibly be done. How would it work, MtheGM?===

I didn't venture any opinion as to whether such efforts would succeed, or 'work', Carol. My point is that there are those among the Islamist movement who will continue to hope it will work. I simply make the point, which it seems to me you are wilfully ignoring and discounting, that if there be, as I and many others believe, even a quite small number of committed 'Ummah-ists', if I might be permitted the term, among the global Islamist community, they could cause a great deal of trouble and grief and mayhem and destruction to a whole lot of people. It might not be irrelevant here to remind you of the death of one of Rushdie's overseas publishers, his own being driven into hiding, the ditto of the Danish cartoonist on whose life another attempt was made just the other day... There is a small but prominent and vociferous element in Islamism whose motivations are entirely aggressive and incontinent, and inimical to the interests of the rest of the world, to whose existence you seem to be wilfully blinding yourself. Because it doesn't fit in with your agenda that Muslims who just want to be left alone and who will stop their truculence as soon as they are, are the present victims in need of your support contra mundi, you choose to remain blind to the fact that there are Islamists whose motivations are less pure and more destructive to the way of life of those whom they persist in regarding as the Infidel standing in the way of the Prophet's enlightenment, whose enjoyment by all of us is their ultimate aim. I say again, if you persist in this head-in-sand attitude of yours, I predict that some rude shocks await you.

If you choose to respond to this I shall, in courtesy, read what you say; but shall probably not rejoin again as this is becoming repetitious: I shall not, however, alter my opinion as to the obstinacy of your attitudes as rubricated above. So you may have the last word if you wish — & much good may it do you.

With regards - Michael