The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17691   Message #280730
Posted By: dwditty
19-Aug-00 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: What are the best Vietnam era songs?
Subject: RE: What are the best Vietnam era songs?
The song that comes back to me is Arthur Brown's "Hell Fire." Of course the image is of this one guy who did not do any Obesitol (don't even ask) or pot, but rather drank a case of beer every night ($2.00 a case, but always warm). After he was good and drunk, he would pour deisel fuel around someone's cot, light it on fire, and start singing, "I am the God of Hell Fire." Nothing quite like waking up and seeing flames all around viewed through a mosquito net. This was never seen as cool or funny, nor did we think it was any crazier than other stuff the went on. In fact, it was better than some of the alternatives we faced.
