The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126240   Message #2807670
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
09-Jan-10 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
OK, Carol, tell me this.....

WHAT would you do to make women's lives not only better, but FREE, in Afghanistan?

The Taliban stink.
The War Lords stink.

The country is ruled and filled with misogynists who are NOT going to set their women free....

So how do you help these poor women?

How do you get to them?

What do you do? Do you just walk away and leave them to these men who beat them, burn them, rape them?

Do you leave a land where women have to turn to prostitution if their husbands die? Do you leave a land where women have TWO rights, The Right To Pray (but not in the mosque) and The Right to Obey Their Husbands?

Does the West truly turn its back and leave them to their fate?

Yes, the millitary, the war, is causing even more problems, but when that is all over and done with, those poor women are left to the non-existant mercy of those bastards!

How do you not only educate the women, but educate the MEN?

How do you break this terrible cycle of hatred towards women that has grown out of a Holy Book??????

This video contains highly unpleasant pictures of scarred and burnt women, so please do not open if it may upset you, but just think of what they are having to endure, each and every day....
The Women of Afghanistan.....