The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126345   Message #2807764
Posted By: Bat Goddess
09-Jan-10 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Medical Woes - Winter 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon Fell -- On Way to Hospital
Can't stay here long -- more firewood to bring in while there's still some light -- gonna be real cold tonight.

Anywho, he's bored, BORED, real bored. But while I was there the sub for his hospital doc was in (it's Saturday...) and we had a nice talk. Looks like Tom is imprisoned (his word) until after his carotid angio or arteriogram (what's the difference? gotta look it up) on Tuesday. Since that will take him being immobilized for most of the day, I doubt they'll turn him loose on Tuesday, so maybe Wednesday. If so, then my co-worker and I don't have to swap hours on Tuesday (me opening, she closing). And, especially since I was talking to him about exercise for Tom (walking) and his leg pain (which won't let him do much walking), they're going to, since he's there, check the arteries in his arms and legs to check the damage to those and whether he'll need a stent there, too. The doc basically told Tom what I've been telling him for some time -- start moving. And the best way to do that is to walk. It'll help the meds work.

The infection and the pneumonia are parts of the same malady and he's on antibiotics, etc. for that.

The light is fading fast -- gotta go.
