The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126345   Message #2807925
Posted By: Bat Goddess
09-Jan-10 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Medical Woes - Winter 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon Fell -- On Way to Hospital
Did I mention that Tom's defibrillator battery is scheduled to be renewed on Feb. 18th? They've only been questioning it since October...

Talked to Tom a couple hours ago. He had had a spike in blood sugar (he's not normally diabetic) for which he had been given insulin earlier today, but that's fine now. His blood oxygen is also better (it had been borderline) so they took him off oxygen.

I probably will talk to him tomorrow morning, but won't visit before work. I'll head over afterwards with the BBC History magazines, some old SingOut!s he asked for and a tape player with the tapes of "Flashman" by George MacDonald Fraser that I scored for a couple bucks at Goodwill on my way home from the hospital. (Yeehah! I won! I donated more cubic footage than I left with!)

Then again, if I took him his concertina, he'd probably be out of there tomorrow... ;-)

My standard breakfast alternates between zucchini bread (lots of grated zucchini, raisins, walnuts) and bread pudding. This particular batch of bread pudding is made from leftover 5-grain bread, the usual eggs and cinnamon, dried cranberries and -- this was a first -- real buttermilk instead of regular milk. And I think I'll continue making it that way. (Bought more of Kate's Buttermilk today -- I'm hooked.)

I am very tired -- and on my way to bed after a bit of a read and a bit of brandy.
