The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126334   Message #2807954
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Jan-10 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Canada a dictatorship?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Canada a dictatorship?
Ah, if only we could always express ourselves absolutely perfectly to everyone's perfect understanding whenever we type!

Look, Jack, you can interpret my past typings as you wish, but you must realize that if I say now in this post and in my last post in plain English that I do NOT think the USA is presently a fascist authoritarian state, I mean it. I think there are many strong and bloody obvious tendencies in American society that could lead eventually towards establishing such a fascist state, however...and that is why I was alluding to the "Fourteen Points" as I was. They are far more typical of the USA than they are of Canada or of many other western democracies.

Most of what is in those Fourteen Points sounds quite a bit like the USA to me. Not all of it...but most of it. It's not a fascist authoritarian state yet because not ALL of it has been done yet, so, yes, you can still say anything you want in the USA, but it does look a lot like the incubation chamber for such a fascist state to me. That's why I said the USA sounds like the Fourteen Points in "almost every respect".

The word "almost" still means "almost". It doesn't mean "completely". It doesn't mean "entirely". It means "not entirely". Understood?

For "entirely", you would simply need the declaration of a state of national emergency, government by decree, and troops and soldiers in the streets across America to enforce it.

That could happen in just one day if a serious enough crisis occured or was "engineered". Say a nuclear incident, for example. Or a major biological "attack", etc...

It hasn't happened yet. It may never happen. Let's hope so.