The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2808041
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Jan-10 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Don:'Ake, I believe the question at this point not male chauvanism, but hypocracy, n'est-ce pas?'

Interesting..(scratches head)..Don, don't you realize that that is one of the most deflective and projective things you've said?? You, who claim to go to a Christian church, and are a self declared expert on the Bible, meet two(or was it three..who cares?) EX-homosexuals, and you think they are not for real, about it because they claim that they were 'born again', and renounced homosexuality??..I mean, that's pretty strange, to think you go to a church, and worship a God, who is powerless to change lives?!?!?!? So, are you being a hypocrite in church, or on here??
Same with Joe Offer, he meets an ex-homosexual, who won't even talk about the lameness he came out of(homosexuality), and marries a woman, and you refuse to believe, that God can do that??
I've met three, and Dr. Cohen is another, whose son graduated as a medical student and delivers a speech to his graduating class, that his father USED TO BE a homosexual, and again, you think that can't happen??...and you have the gall to accuse another of being a hypocrite????
Just think about it. I don't need to elaborate. You're of legendary intellect, in your own mind, you figure the flaw the trip you're on. Hunt deep within yourself, and figure out what doesn't fly.
And don't bother trying to 'ennoble' your position. I'm almost laughing so hard, I can barely type!