The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2808424
Posted By: Don Firth
10-Jan-10 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
GfS, give it a rest! From the blather you just wrote, your ignorance of the variety of what falls under the heading of "Christian belief" is abysmal. Also your diddle-headed attempts to "psychoanalyze" me verges on the idiotic. No competent psychological counselor would ever say some of the things you do, so you are confirming my suspicions that you a) took Psych 101 in college; and b) got a C- in the course, and that's as far as your knowledge of psychology goes. I've heard your kind of blather from lots of college freshmen taking their first Psych course. And I'm also aware that any tarot card-reader or crystal-ball gazer can hang out a shingle and declare him/herself a "counselor."

Also, you are projecting what you think that I think the nature of God is. Way off base, "counselor." I'm not as primitive as you would like to believe I am—or as you probably are.

The three "ex-homosexuals" that I met are very unhappy people, verging on the point of depression. Also, they are obsessed with the matter of homosexuality and never miss a chance to rage against it. It is obvious to all who are acquainted with them that they are not ex-homosexuals, they have merely stuffed their sexuality back into the closet and are in an extreme state of denial.

I am fully aware that you have more than just a vested interest in the idea that gender orientation is a matter of free choice, i.e., flip a coin. The idea that it might be genetic absolutely terrifies you.

Judging from what you said in the other thread about your father, the obvious conclusion is that you are scared spitless of the genes your own body carries.

Don Firth