The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126240   Message #2808926
Posted By: Ruth Archer
11-Jan-10 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
"If you let the rest of the world see you as a soft touch, then you will be treated like one."

So we've got Soft Touch Britain and "If you don't like how we do things here, leave." Not to mention yesterday's classic "How can we tuen Islam BACK to peace?" Any more right-wing, knee-jerk, reactionary drivel you'd like to post before lunch?

"Stupid ideas like yours"

Stupid ideas like the free speech which you constantly advocate and defend - for yourself? I know this is a difficult concept for you, 'Liz', but I will try and spell it out once more: when you curtail the civil liberties of the many to punish the few, the terrorists and extremists are winning. Before you go on about the unwritten rules in our democracy, I suggest you do a bit of reading and find out what they actually are. How are you getting on with that Billy Bragg book, by the way? Or is it still gathering dust on your shelf?

Now, I have tried to stick to the actual issues being debated here, but as you've chosen (as usual) to make it personal, let's make something perfectly clear: I never did anything to have you banned from the BBC messageboards, or any of the other myriad places from which you have been banned on the internet (including this one, on more than one occasion). The BBC banned you for persistently harassing its staff, as we know because you actually made the messages public. Remember the bit where they said action would be taken if you didn't leave them alone? You have no one but yourself and your antisocial behaviour to blame, but it's clear you're not good at accepting the truth of these situations, and it serves you better to believe that other people have done something to "get you banned". Sorry, 'Liz', but the fault lies with you and you alone.

Now, if the BBC choose to ban you from being antagonistic and disruptive on their messageboards and from harassing their staff, I guess that's their right. But if you wanted to conduct a protest about their decision to ban you outside Broadcasting House, I would fully support your right to do so, even if I thought that you were completely bonkers. That's free speech.