The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126240   Message #2809080
Posted By: Ruth Archer
11-Jan-10 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic Protest in Wootton Bassett
"I was not unpleasant to 'Daisybell' either, merely telling her how lucky she was to attend an all girls school where she was obviously having such an incredibly 'spiffing' time...."

It was exactly that sort of sneeriness that many people recognised as the sort of bullying you often claim to be the victim of yourself, Lisa 'Liz'. Daisy explained repeatedly that she goes to a state school. But because her real life experiences did not match the nightmare picture of growing up in present-day Britain that you were trying to paint, you sneered at her, patronised her, trivialised her views and accused her of being a liar and a fake. Several people on the thread were rather shocked by your attacks and defended her against you, and said how much they enjoyed the perspective that she shared.

"Let's get this straight though, if 'Daisybell' was your daughter, then I'm surprised you got a 15 year old girl to come into Mudcat to write to someone you believe is truly racist and deeply unpleasant..."

Daisy reads Mudcat from time to time, like many young people who are involved in the folk scene - why should she not have the right to respond when she sees someone attacking her whole generation as a bunch of feral, sexually promiscuous pissheads who are being ritually abused every day by their schools? She was furious, so she decided to respond. I told Joe Offer beforehand that she would be doing so, and he gave his approval. Who the hell are you to tell her she shouldn't?

"And as far as 'Daisybell' goes, how the fook do any of us know, for certain, who we're speaking to in here.

Don't forget, anyone can post as a Guest in here, absolutely ANYONE at all, so 'Guest Daisybell' could be er...anyone."

Well, unlike 99.9% of people on Mudcat, Daisy spoke to a Mudcat member on the phone who vouched for her identity. Joe Offer also checked her IP address, so he knew she was not simply a member posting under another name. But it will serve you to ignore this, as your nasty, bullying behaviour is then - what - justified?

You're right, Lisa 'Liz' - anyone can post as a Guest here. That's one of the reasons you got banned, remember? For repeatedly making up multiple identities for the purposes of provoking people and shit-stirring. You used to do it on the BBC board as well. Of course, there is fantastic irony in you getting into a high moral dudgeon and accusing a 15 year old girl, a new poster, of behaviour which you have persistently indulged in yourself.

Sadly, Daisy found her brief sojourn at Mudcat very unpleasant, thanks to you. It's a pity: she's very involved in the folk scene. She goes to festivals, ceilidhs, she has a boyfriend who is a morris dancer - she had a lot to contribute. But I shouldn't think she'll be back any time soon.