The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123580   Message #2809380
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
11-Jan-10 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The evolution of white people
Subject: RE: BS: The evolution of white people
I find the title of this thread to be offensive. It implies that light skin color is the most important trait. It implies that all people with light skin are the same.

Calling South Carolina a "pocket(s) of these throw backs of the original violent, racist and stupid white tribes." Is silly. I've spent a lot of time in South Carolina. It is brimming with good people of all races.

If you have some third party proof or evidence that "white" people are more inherently racist than anyone else then please provide it. These accusations seem racist to me.

The wife is right. It is not funny. A major way to make it funny would be to change the title. Another way would be to focus the attacks, sarcasm and accusations of racism on those who deserve it.