The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #2811311
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Jan-10 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: SB: A Dilly Of A Tale by reggie miles

A Dilly Of A Tale by reggie miles

Oh listen to me people as I tell you the tale,
of a bad bunch of dills that got put on sale.
I guess pickle pickin' ain't my fortay,
Cuz I usually choose the cheapest ones on display.

I bought a jar just the other day,
hopin' to enjoy'em with a sandwich I made,
but when I took a big bite of that first little cuke,
I had to spit it out, it almost made me puke.

The taste was not at all apetizin'
and nearly got my stomach to risin'.
I thought it was probably the only one in the jar,
and sampled another just to be sure.

Well sir, sure enough the second one tasted,
just as bad as the first, my money was wasted.
Then later I checked again to see
and took a little nibble on pickle number three.

You'd think by now I would've learned my lesson,
pickle three was awful, I am confessin'.
Now any normal guy would've thrown'em out
but I was willin' t' give'em the benefit of doubt.

And to be certain I hadn't left a good one behind,
I tried every single pickle in that horrible brine.
Go the extra mile, is what I always say,
though I think I might change after this hospital stay.

I got poisonin', of the pickle kind.
They say in a couple o' weeks I'll be fine.
That is of course if I don't get,
acuke complications along with it.

I thought I'd get even with them dillinquent merchants,
and get a refund on my ill dill purchase.
But when I brought the jar back to get my money returned,
all I got was this lesson learned.

They refused sayin', they'd all been et.
I gotta admit I was kind of upset.
Oh listen to my story, lend an ear,
don't make the same mistake I made here.

If you ever get a notion to save a couple o' nickles,
and want to try to buy some cheap discount pickles.
Don't do it! Put'em back on the shelf!
Think of your poor tiny taste buds health!

Go for broke!
Spend a few extra nickles!
Cuz there ain't nothin' worse
than bad dill pickles.