The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #2811323
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Jan-10 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: SB: A Grown-ups' Lullaby by CapriUni (Ann Magill)

A Grown-ups' Lullaby by CapriUni (a/k/a Ann Magill)

It's been many years since you lay in the cradle,
been many years since the tooth fairy came,
many long years since the moon played a ladle.
But, oh, let me sing "lullaby," just the same.

Beyond these four walls is a world filled with beauty:
gems in the mountains and stars in the sky.
Lay down your burden and rest from your duty,
and drift off to sleep while I sing "lullaby."

Just trade all your worries for dreams and bright visions.
Let all your fears fade away in the night.
Soar through the cosmos and sail golden oceans.
Return to the world with your hopes shining bright.

And though many miles may stretch wide between us,
as over this world we wander and roam,
Know that in my love, you'll find a safe haven;
As long as I'm living you're never alone.

It's been many years since we lay in the cradle,
been many years since the tooth fairy came,
many long years since the moon played a ladle,
But, oh, we still need lullabies, just the same.