The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #2811343
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Jan-10 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: SB:A Prayer For The Madness Of Leap Year by Praise

A Prayer For The Madness Of Leap Year by Praise
(A slow waltz dirge or lament? In blues/gospel style?)
Sorry, can't notate or ABC yet, I wish you could hear the melody...)

Cm / / / / /

Cm / / / / / Fm / / / / / G7 / / / / / Cm / / / / / 
Cm / / / / / Fm / / / / / G7 / / / / / Cm / / / / / 
Fm / / / / / Cm / / / / / Fm / / / / / Cm / / / / /
Cm / / / / / Fm / / / / / G7 / / / / / Cm / / / / / 

People, all over, again, are shocked-- not surprised-- and saddened, and this time, for Kayla.
At Buell, a whole classroom of the helpless stood by. Lives forever are riven.
Lord... we've fallen again... Lord, where DO we begin?
First grade babies! Outrage, despair-- to Your cross by this sadness, I'm driven.

The horrible acts of humanity's weakness I lay at your feet, for your cleansing.
Your tears flow freely as we carry on, but I fear that we don't see or feel them.
Help us... hold fast to the joy, of the wondrous creation you gave.
Our children, our lives, our friends and foes, and the children-- unblessed and unshriven.

"Geezis", some cry out, do they know your Name, do they know you had come to redeem us?
Sweet Jesus, suffering, weeping Christ, how do we achieve your compassion?
Some of us praying.... And some are ranting away. 
No one with answers, but plenty of words, and too much, in our too-human fashion.

Others shout out their mourning and grief, and despite knowing most are not listening.
These words that we to Your ocean's crests-- are you searching? I pray that you hear us.
Lord... we need You. Lord.... can we heed you?
Looking only into a mirror, we have only the thorns, and no roses.

Once again people are asking why You would allow such an evil to happen.
Why aren't they asking, humble and meek, how to love as you love all your children?
Blaming in weakness... Desperate to see what they will not see.
But I wonder Lord, I just don't understand, why you haven't yet struck us all barren.

Women, your sons stand beside a boy who had no one to love or to raise him. 
Men, you are fathers, your own little girl bleeds on a cold floor, and lays dying.
Where were all of us? Why can we only feel this disgust?
Where are our hearts when we hear through our walls, that another lost soul lies crying?

Lord, I pray that you give us Your strength, for so often, we choose what is evil.
Lord, I ask that you hear what we cannot and do not know how to petition.
Lord.. I'm trying to praise; but Lord... but my eyes are a-haze.
Lord, please send us Your spirit of love to end all our wars of attrition.

Stand beside us and lend us Your wisdom, and bind us in Your understanding.
Take the love in our grief and despair and remake it in your holy image.
I don't understand why, Lord, you died for me. But I know you still suffer upon Calvary.
Lord, I lift up my voice to your ear, and I ask you to save our small village.

People, all over, again, are shocked-- not surprised-- and saddened, and this time, for Kayla.
At Buell, a whole classroom of the helpless stood by. Lives forever are riven.
Lord... we've fallen again... Lord, where DO I begin?
First grade babies! Outrage, despair-- to Your cross by this sadness, I'm driven.