The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2811626
Posted By: Royston
14-Jan-10 - 06:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?

When I came back to this thread the argument seemed to revolved around Ake &/or you claiming that gay men were uniquely prone to, and responsible for, disease.

That was proven to be utter crap - if it was ever true it was only coincidentally true in the Western developed world because HIV happened to appear in the gay community. It was never true elselwhere and now the heterosexual West is catching up big-time.

So then you said, to paraphrase, that gay men could not form relationships and could never achieve much because they can't raise children and families.

That was also proven to be utter, utter rubbish. Gay people can and do raise children - either naturally conceived, artificially conceived or fostered/adopted. The same range of options available to straight couples. And it was pointed out to you that it's hardly easy for gay people to have their relationships supported and respected because of PEOPLE LIKE YOU filled with such hate and bile towards them.

So then you seemed to retreat to the fact that gay people were "less" than you because they can't emulate your "Little house on the Prairie" breeding choices. But many could, if they wished. The point is still fatuous.

So when MtheGM explained that he and his partner had been denied some reproductive choice by fate (and being gay is fate also), you were full of sympathy and agreed that, of course, one cannot judge or denigrate people because of a trick of fate that denied them your "ideal" life experience.

So with that out of the way, you have now retreated to the position that you regard gay men as nothing more than people whose...

"highest experience in life...[is]...having their dicks stuck in someones poop!"

Well, I'd rather have poop down there than filling my head, shit for brains.

So, GfS has finally nailed its colours to the mast. Good old fashioned bilious homomphobe who just seeks to reduce people, hopes, expectations and lives to a sexual act - which is an ubiquitous sexual act amongst men and women of whatever orientation in any event.

And, GfS, don't come here now with the tired old "I'm not homomphobic, some of my best friends are gay..." line. That's just so passé. That you once bumped into a tragic self hating gay guy who chimed with and reinforced your prejudices, means diddly squat.

Guess what, most gay people don't have HIV and don't die from AIDS. They have rewarding relationships and families - increasingly their own offspring - and that experience could be extended to many more if sickos like you would stop sabotaging progress and stop denigrating your fellow citizens.

Isn't the case now closed?