The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126443   Message #2812141
Posted By: Bert
14-Jan-10 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Singing with Kytrad-Jean Ritchie in nursing home
Subject: RE: Singing with Kytrad-Jean Ritchie in nursing home
Uh Oh! I guess I'll sing my latest song for her. She might need a laugh after all this lovey dovey stuff (not that we don't love her).

Here 'tiz...

There's a fearsome Phallic finial on the fencepost in our yard
we bought it at Home Depot and it's plastic and it's hard
It stands there like a soldier or a sentry on his guard
that fearsome phallic fencepost in the yard.

I don't know why we bought it, it doesn't make much sense
you can see that it's symbolic or you're really rather dense
and it gives a whole new meaning to 'Sitting on the fence'
that fearsome phallic fencepost in the yard.

You may wonder what the neighbors think as they are passin by
there's many a dear old lady gets a twinkle in her eye
and for sheer and utter envy it can make a grown man cry
that fearsome phallic fencepost in the yard

Every night the neighbors' cats upon their garden wall
insist on entertaining with a dreadful caterwaul
I think that they're complaining that they can't sit at all
on that fearsome phallic fencepost in the yard

There's a fearsome Phallic finial on the fencepost in our yard
we bought it at Home Depot and it's plastic and it's hard
It stands there like a soldier or a sentry on his guard
that fearsome phallic fencepost in the yard.

Luvya Kytradmedarlin'