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Thread #125426   Message #2812170
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Jan-10 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Okay, I'll address a couple of the whines.....I wasn't the one dealing with the AIDS issue, except for a brief post in the 'Prop8' thread, though I have seen repeatedly Ake posting links from credible sources, that people dismiss, for whatever reason they claim. That is pretty silly to me. The stats are the stats. If you don't like them, take it up with the people who put the stats on their website. Ake is merely posting what he finds available. Fair enough?

BTW..I've never had an STD, nor has my spouse. No Herpes, no clap, no syphilis, neither of us has had yeast infections, no HIV, nor do we worry about getting abortions, either. If you do, try changing your habits, hetero, or homo.

Next, my little phrase, Suicidal and Proud of it'. That was a bumper sticker we made up for our studio, because of what people came into record that sounded rather embarrassing. I felt it was appropriate in this case, because, after I posted my post, because 'Mousethief' asked a legitimate question regarding those who can't conceive, due to a couple of things, and one was uterine cancer...which of course can be a cause of death. Being as sexual promiscuity, hetero or homo, opens the chances up for forms of disease, and people do it by choice, to me that is suicidal. Furthermore, as I've said before, and this is a known FACT, which probably doesn't matter to some of you, 'All living things have two things in common, whether you are an amoeba, plant, fish, mammal, etc..and that is the WILL to SURVIVE and REPRODUCE. If you take one of those things away, you now have a form of death within your it or not. Those are the TWO attributes of living organisms on this planet...sorry, I didn't make up the deal..its just the way it is. Fair enough?.if not, read your 5th grade biology book! When one chooses to give up one of those two, for anything, they take away one of the attributes of living organisms here..and, if you then promote it, like its some sort of 'hipness' get, 'Suicidal and Proud of it'! Rationalize it anyway you want, but by sheer definition, that's what it is.

Next, whoever it was, who alluded to my friend, who has since died, as some sort of 'token homosexual friend', to appear 'tolerant' toward homosexuals, stuff it! You know absolutely nothing about him or myself, and how I viewed him, or he, me.

As to our resident 'newsboy-Martin Luther King wanna-be' for homosexuals, stop pandering for recognition. You want recognition?...Get it from someone you are actually doing something FOR, other than getting them to give up, and settle for less in life...just to quell your sense of self inadequacy, in your personal life...(You don't need to post a refuting reply to that...just think about it.

Oh, and another one I just couldn't pass up. I went looking for the line, and damn, if it wasn't you!..(I thought it was someone else)..but....

Don: "What has me shaking my head is GfS's contention that breeding like a gaggle of rabbits means that one is more highly evolved. If that were true, there are quite a number of species, say, for example, gerbils,......"

Funny you brought that one up. Is that your animal of choice???

Look, I don't 'hate' anyone, for making homosexuality their choice. Actually, it seems that on here, the reverse is true. I think, the homosexuals resent anyone who doesn't buy their rationalizations, and they get offended, because the reasons a lot of us don't, they know in their heart of hearts, is true! If you want to be a homosexual, go ahead..don't rub our noses in it, glorify it, or teach our children that its just hunky dory. It's a trend, and like all trends, they recede...just like the hula hoop, and the twist.

Not angry, hateful, or gullible,