The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2812194
Posted By: mousethief
14-Jan-10 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?

"All living things have two things in common, whether you are an amoeba, plant, fish, mammal, etc..and that is the WILL to SURVIVE and REPRODUCE. If you take one of those things away, you now have a form of death within your it or not."

Wouldn't this imply that if someone has produced a brood of children and then decides they're getting too old to produce children anymore and they take action to stop reproducing, they then have a form of death within their psyche?

Also, where did you get this "form of death" thing? Can you point me to a neutral textbook or a finding in a peer-reviewed journal?

Finally, I'm still not completely sure about this "higher" status of people who reproduce. Higher according to whom? "Missing out" according to whom? What objective standard are you holding up and inviting us to compare our lives to?