The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2812383
Posted By: Smedley
15-Jan-10 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
GfS, obviously I don't know how you speak, but I can't help hearing 'the WILL to SURVIVE and REPRODUCE' in a Germanic accent.

A Germany-in-the-1930s accent, to be more precise, declaimed into a microphone by a pointy shouty little man with a silly moustache as the tanks rolled into Poland.....

(His lot were very big on reproduction & very anti-gay too.)

Personally, I'm well aware that animals have this urge, and that 'homo sapiens' (the only kind of homo you really care for) is an animal, but there is this niggling little thing called several thousand years of culture that's happened since we stopped just being hairy grunty things lurking nervously in the woods and pumping out pups/cubs/chicks/foals/kids as fast as the reproductive cycle allowed. When you think of all the struggle and effort that has been put in to make us more-than-just-animals, it's almost as mind-boggling as your wish to stay defined by mere biology.

But I guess you're still happy to be down amongst the pumping grunters. Queen of the Pumping Grunters - please accpt this, free of charge, as the title of your next album.

Now where did I put my hula hoop........