The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124374   Message #2812899
Posted By: MoorleyMan
15-Jan-10 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: What's happening@Living Tradition mag?
Subject: RE: What's happening@Living Tradition mag?
Well, here's the latest Living Tradition Newsletter - dated January 2010 - which I received recently by email.

>>Happy New Year to you from all of us at the Living Tradition. We hope that 2010 will be a good one for you.
I just wanted to write to everyone to fill you in on what has been happening recently with the Living Tradition. I am sure you are aware that the latest issue of the magazine has been delayed for some time now, and felt it was time to write to you directly about this. Apologies for the delay in doing so, but as I'm sure you will appreciate, we have all been very busy trying to sort things out in this regard.
The reasons for the magazine being delayed are a mixture of financial issues and time issues. I am still under what feels like an impossible workload as the result of having to deal with issues arising from our summer school programme having to move venues, and the resulting need to establish a separate 'Community Interest Company' for them in order to make them financially viable. I am also still involved in a related 'whistle-blowing' situation which is a serious drain on my time and resources.
Coupled with this, and partly as a direct result of this, we are feeling the pinch financially, and to put it bluntly have not had the finances needed to print the next issue of the magazine. But every month without publication means a steady drain through rent and other office expenses etc. and the situation gets worse. I have taken on some additional work to keep the wheels oiled, but that also is increasing my workload!   However, I am hopeful that we can get back on track and plan that the next issue of the magazine will be out in late February, and that it will be the Festivals issue. Please remember that subscriptions are based on a number of issues rather than time, so you will still receive the same number of magazines, just over a longer period of time.
In the meantime, we have been working hard to create a new website for the Living Tradition that we hope will be both informative and interesting. We do not plan for this to replace the magazine, but rather to work alongside it. There is a social networking site called "theHUB" as part of it, and our aim is that this will be more interactive, and that people can use it to share news and information without necessarily having to go through the main LT office admin. Please visit the new website at and have a look around it. It is still a work in progress, but it is beginning to take shape. (The old website is still at We will move the new site there shortly)
There is a 2010 Festivals Listing on the new site and we are working hard to provide links to folk clubs and other events. Encouraging Live Music at the grass roots is at the heart of all that we do. I would appreciate any feedback you have on the new website. Send it to
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for bearing with us throughout this difficult time. I know you are eager to see the next issue, and be assured, so are we, and we really are thankful for your loyal support. We particularly appreciate the kind messages many of you have sent – sometimes these make all the difference! Please be assured that we are doing everything in our power to resume normal service, and I am hopeful that we are well on our way to this.
What really would help though, would be an injection of cash!   We have lots of great CDs in stock and selling them could be the lifeline we need. Please have a look at our webshop and consider treating yourself to that CD you have been after! Selling CDs that we have physically in stock has the most beneficial impact on us.
Thank you, again, for your support. With your help we will keep the Living Tradition alive for many years to come.
Pete Heywood<<