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Thread #126579   Message #2812961
Posted By: CarolC
15-Jan-10 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Like I said, "let them eat cake". That sums up your attitude about people without access to health care, beardedbruce.

They're preventing me from getting it by pricing me out of the market. They do that on purpose so they won't have to insure people who will cut into their profits. It's a deliberate strategy. They use every means at their disposal to cull their clientele of anyone they will have to actually pay for their care. They make their money by denying care, rather than providing it. Insurance companies don't have a right to discriminate against older people and people with pre-existing conditions. They have rendered themselves irrelevant. They don't have a right to exist, much less rip the consumers off. The taxpayers, on the other hand, have a right to set up insurance pools that will charge everyone the same amount regardless of age or infirmity. That is our right.

That is also what the propose legislation (so far - it isn't finished) will do.