The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2812971
Posted By: Bobert
15-Jan-10 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Just goes to show ya' that Obama ain't no liberal 'er the Democratic base would be more energized in Massacuttes...

One thing fir sure is that the Repubs have done at rilin' up their base... That's really what elections anymore are about... Rile the base and split the moderates...

My gut feeling is that the Dem will pull off a sqeaker but who knows until the fat lady sings... One thing I do know is that if the Dems lose this one and don't get health care reform thru then it's gonna be a bad year for them come November 'cause the voters are purdy scared and pissed off... That is never a good sign for any majority party regardless of the factors for which that party has no power to change...

Actually, I wouldn't mind seein' the Repubs do well in November... I think the American people are too qucik to forget just how messed up things get with them in power and maybe need a refresher course... One thing is fir sure, until the Senate rules are changed the voters are going to stay pissed off at Wsahington... That is a given...
