The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24455   Message #281308
Posted By: katlaughing
20-Aug-00 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Demo Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Political Demo Convention
A friend of mine and i were talking about that this weekend and wondered, at what point do enough us say "enough" to the two party tired old system and vote for the Green Party, to really get the point across that we are not going to stand for politics as usual, anymore? No more of the scare tactics of a "vote for Ralph is a vote for Bush" etc.?

It just seemed to us that is we ever want to get out of the quagmire of "business as usual", everyone who is truly unhappy and wants changes in the political system may need to make a sacrifice, by voting with their conscience, not a political party. I know it may be a HUGE sacrifice, but that is usual what happens when such fundamental changes may be needed.

It seems scary and I don't know if that is what I am going to do or not, but something has to change; there has to be real reforms and I don't know if the "usual gang of idiots" to quote Alfred E. Neuman, understand that unless we, the people, figuratively hit them over the head by voting quite opposite of what they predict.

Just some thoughts. And, Doug, my grandma would luvya! You are a true gentleman, but I already knew that! Now, if YOU were the GOP nominee for Prez....well, look out! Mudcats in the White House, yeah!!!!
