The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126591   Message #2813258
Posted By: Donuel
15-Jan-10 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Earphones head phones ear buds
Subject: BS: Earphones head phones ear buds
Everyone has different hearing with volume sensitivity, frequency strengths and weakness and overall timbre differences so the same ear phone will not sound the same to another person.

The best headphone I have is a 18 year old JVC gold. Huge but amazing. I found a earphone that produces a simlar response.
It came with an Insignia portable HD radio. It out performs all other earbuds and earphones I have tried (5 in all). I haven't tried any of the $200 and up phones like Stenhauser because the price is absurd.

A $20 noise cancellation head phone (50% off) from Rite Aid drugstore is the runner up.

For $35 if you can find an Insignia portable HD radio you whould buy it. All the HD stations are free and sound twice as good as normal stereo FM with no noise whatsoever.

I found stations you can;t get without an HD radio. One played songs that were really great, that is until they announced their name "this is WBIG HD the REALLY OLD OLDIES Station"
It wasn't that good afterall. But the ear phones, supurb.