The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126591   Message #2813335
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
15-Jan-10 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Earphones head phones ear buds
Subject: RE: BS: Earphones head phones ear buds
I like my yellow ones.. no-one tries to steal yellow earbuds... :D

Being partially deaf in one ear, most earphones don't really sound different to me, but I must admit my nice yellow Gummi's are pretty good for what is a mid price range for ear buds... The raspberry coloured ones were great too til the cat chewed on them.

I don't like the earmuff types for several reasons - firstly, I have a small head and no matter how adjustable they are, they slide off a lot or get tangled in my hair... secondly, I found I got a lot of sound bleeding in from outside because the earmuff bits are flat and my ears are not. Thirdly, they're not so discreet for surreptitious use.