The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126579   Message #2813347
Posted By: Genie
15-Jan-10 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
Subject: RE: BS: Mass. Senatorial race
[[And it signaled a possible death knell for the 60-vote Senate supermajority the president has been relying upon to stop Republican filibusters and pass not only his health care overhaul, but the rest of his legislative agenda heading into crucial mid-term elections this fall.]]

WHAT 60-vote supermajority???   First, there are only 58 Dems. in the Senate. Second, one of the 2 independents who caucus with them acts like he's a Republican half the time, including joining Republican filibusters. Third, there are 3 to 5 "blue dog" (conservative) Democrats who similarly do what they can to keep majority-Democratic-sponsored bills from coming to the Senate floor for a vote. And then there's the very elderly Robert Byrd, whose health precludes him from being present a lot of the time.

I am so sick of hearing our media - abetted even by some Dem. talking heads sometimes - pronounce that "the Democrats have a filibuster-proof majority."   Nothing of the kind has existed in this Congress.

That's a major reason why the Senate's "health care reform" bill is such a mess and such a giveaway to the big corporations.

[[Brown has pledged to vote against the health care bill, and his election would give Senate Republicans the 41st vote they need to sustain a filibuster.]]

Whatever you citizens of Mass. think of the Dems, do you really want Ted Kennedy's old seat to be filled by someone who's basically promising to filibuster just about any important legislation that the majority Democratic party proposes?