The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126345   Message #2813598
Posted By: Bat Goddess
16-Jan-10 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Medical Woes - Winter 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon Fell -- On Way to Hospital
Tom can't remember the name of the nursing home -- it's just sort of up around the corner from the hospital. He tried to explain where it was, too, but I'll get that info probably Monday when they move him there. I just hope he'll have internet access. I also wish I knew EXACTLY when they'll turn him loose -- next Friday? Saturday? We head to Boston on Monday (Jan. 25).

My breakfast didn't sit well; I'm not feeling particularly wonderful. No chance, though, of curling up in the fetal position and sucking my thumb. Sigh.
